Contemplative Prayer Workshop

We rarely think of the air we breathe, yet it is in us and around us all the time. In similar fashion, the presence of God penetrates us, is all around us, is always embracing us.

~ Thomas Keating

Many of us come from a place where it is more comfortable to rely on what we learned theoretically about prayer rather than opening ourselves up to an experience of God guiding us from within. Contemplative prayer is learning to open ourselves up to God’s presence within us.

It is only through prayer that our lives are brought into focus and we begin to sense who we are and what we need to be about.

It is God’s prayer, God’s love, and God’s yearning in you that you long to attach to and become one with through prayer.

Meeting this need for connection with God through contemplative prayer is the goal of this workshop.

Through prayerful reflection on your life experience, you awaken to who you genuinely are, to begin to live a more authentic life.

Contemplative prayer is about oneness, resonance, stillness, and willingness to succumb to and rest in God’s peaceful presence within you.

Through it you learn to let go of your small self, your ego-driven self, to become more of who you genuinely are.

Contemplative prayer is about being open to who you are just as God made you, knowing and trusting that everything that happens in your life happens for a reason.

You may not readily understand events that happen but by learning how to use and trust contemplative prayer, you begin to understand how everything that happens has a place in God’s bigger, wider, and more expansive plan for life.

Spiritual writer Henri Nouwen has suggested that the essence of prayer is learning to listen deep within ourselves for the comforting inner voice of love.

Unlike more traditional prayer forms, contemplative prayer starts in the silence of your heart where God speaks to the essence of who you are.

Silence is not always easy. We like to be in control.

In this workshop, you will learn how to embrace silence and stillness.

Through silence and stillness, you learn to resonate with God’s prayer speaking to you in your heart. 

You will also learn to discern the many ways that God is guiding you and prompting you to go forward in your life, filled with the wisdom and counsel of God’s guidance and grace.

Contemplative prayer is an experience of God’s presence in you. This workshop will help you to become more attuned to His presence. 

It emerges through your willingness and desire – your acquiescence – to become one with Him. 

Contemplative prayer is available to all with a heart willing to stay open to the bigger picture.

A bigger picture experience of your life might mean becoming aware of deeper meanings that live in and through your experiences all the time.

This workshop will help you to stay open to deeper meanings. You will more easily choose to live your life in a way that leaves room to explore and question how God might be guiding you.

Through contemplative prayer you begin to more easily see God’s existence in yourself and in others. You begin to embrace it as a path toward your wholeness.

As you gain more experience in remaining open to contemplative silence, you take fewer things for granted and see instead the gift of God in all things and all people.

When you stop taking people for granted, you begin to see the great gifts of God within them and within yourself.

You become more mindful as you deeply respect and care about others as God cares for each of us.

If you would like to be a part of my next Contemplative Prayer workshop, please contact me.  I look forward to talking with you!

Faith is God's work within us.

~ Thomas Aquinas